Friday, June 11, 2010

Why I Always Buy Boy's Stuff it just me or are all the girl's stuff keep on shrinking?
i went to buy slippers
and all the girl's slippers are too small for me,
i went to the boy's side and it fits perfectly :/
i don't like it cause my dad always wears my slippers
and make it all wet :(

mom and sis can share shoes with each other
cause their feet are almost the same size,
i can't wear their shoes and my sis always calls me Big Foot X(

recently, i went shopping with mom,
and i was thinking about getting a jacket,
cause i out-grown my old jacket,
the girl's jacket seems small,
my mom went straight to the boy's side, hehe
and what do you know....
again, it fits although it's a bit big but very comfy...heh!

besides, it's designs were better than the girl's,
black and grey stripes.....not bad X)
i wonder what guy stuff will i buy again in the future,
i already have jacket...slippers....
erm.....pants perhaps...teehee
i'm a giantess!!