it's October already???
time flies huh!!
i wanna go to this year's October fest :)
well......nothing much happened today
MM teacher is absent today.....WOOTS!!
i taught my classmate Rubik's Cube.....
it's very funny.......
my classmates were surprise that i know how to solve a cube !! @.@
you guys seriously don't know me yet.........
practiced my dance steps by myself
a little while ago........
remembered the 2 verses and the chorus very clearly
but i've totally forgotten the girl's part...
need help tomorrow XD
uncle and aunt is back from Taiping
they brought many gifts that they have bought in China last week :)
me, sitting here nw......
very boring.......
very few ppl tweet today
the f(x) group didn't update their twitter :(
they said they're going somewhere last night
but they didn't say where to....
maybe it's China.....hmmmm
juz guessing......
gosh my tweeter is boring without them :(
they're probably tooo tired to update
or they didn't bring they're laptop :(
hope they update soon....
ohh.......I LOVE CONVERSE!!!! *drools*
i want a converse!!!
i've been thinking about collecting converse in the future haha
that is if i have money XD
sometimes i would juz google Converse and juz look and them
*drools again*
i saw someone's profile with amber's pic
she looks great with eyeliner
i have some of amber's newest pic too
but i'll update it another time

amber is in long hair!!!
it's not very long......but it's long enough for her to tie it up
she looks really great too!!!
ok nw.....i'm going to bed
too tired
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