emo-ing right nw
cuz school starts tomorrow :(((
see.....even my post's font is in black and white :D
cut me with a blunt knife...
why blunt ? go figure......
maybe i'm juz scared.....
cuz i don't know how to do my accounts and math....
i left some questions blank.......
if i do it now.....my family will nag me
especially my sister (she nagged more than my mum)
if i copy my friends homework...that's like cheating
maybe i sendiri cari pasal
for not trying hard to solve the questions
or do my homework at the last minute
and i'm scared to ask the teachers questions
i don't know why i'm so scared.......i can't overcome it
so, i'm trying to change myself nw
trying to be a better me
that's my goal to do important things first
i'll try to achieve that
if tomorrow went well......
i'll be fine already :)
plus i'm homesick........
i juz love to be at home more than anywhere else....
even shopping malls :)
so it's always hard for me to go to school
after every weekends.....
especially long holidays.........
emo-ing with by cyber bfs nw

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