Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

add math and math are killing me!!!!
i've killed gazillion of my tiny brain cells because of these,

how i wish tomorrow will get by faster,
i can't wait for Friday,
hehe, no school, long weekends,

going to tuition alone tomorrow :(
yikes!!! one-to-one tuition, so nervous,
Joshua can't make it to tuition for 4 weeks
because his school got house practice,
tomorrow is the second week,
2 more weeks to go :/
but i still go to his house for guitar lesson after tuition :)
i haven't practice my guitar yet XD
gonna get screw,haha

hmm......seeing everyone of my friends starting to get their driving license,
but i'll have to wait until next year,
cause my birthday is in July and i'll be busy preparing for my SPM,
hmmm.......why am i being born so late??

and oh yeah...
mom's birthday is today!!
♫♪haaaaaaappyyyyy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to mommyyyyyy,
happy birthday to you.... ♫♪
we went to Tambun for seafood yesterday to celebrate her birthday,
yummm.....nom nom nom

i also got my new specs and contacts yesterday,k
first time wearing contact,
i took half an hour to wear only one side of my contact lens,

umm...i better go and practice my guitar now,
don't wanna get screw by him!!!!